Descubriendo la Florida

En 2010, Jefferson Aleman comenzó a salir a montar en bicicleta con una cámara de fotos. Pronto se aburrió del mismo panorama y empezó a recorrer más distancias y a expandirse por otros vecindarios, ciudades, condados ... 

En 2022, ya ha recorrido miles de millas por todo el estado de la Florida. Además, se ha dedicado a documentar la historia de todos y cada uno de los puntos visitados. 

De ahí han surgido hasta la fecha cinco libros que son el santo grial del cicloturismo o rutas en bicicleta por la Florida. 

Así todo, ha sido muy difícil salir adelante. He tocado muchas puertas, miles, dice. Hasta ahora todas han permanecido cerradas o me las han cerrado en la cara.

Desde nuestra humilde posición apoyamos este increíble proyecto, que es de hecho el único no solo en español.

Para encontrar las más elaboradas rutas en bicicleta e historia de la Florida visita 

También su página web

Descubriendo la Florida 2010-2022

Descubriendo la Florida

 In 2010, a guy named Jefferson Aleman started riding his bike and taking pictures. Soon he was bored and started expanding to other areas. Fast forward to 2022, he has done tens of thousands of miles, visited more than half of the state and published five books about his routes and the history of the places he visited.

Amazingly, he wrote in Spanish. On his own words, it was a huge mistake. Despite being one of the few resources if not the only one to find the history of such place off the beaten path, twelve years later, only a handful of people have noticed his works.

For over a decade now, I've knocked on thousands of doors he says. Unfortunately, all of the remained closed or were slammed on my face. 

In sum, if you can read Spanish, you're missing out the best collection of bike routes or bicycle touring and history of Florida ever compiled. No BS.

You can find it here 

Or visit

Descubriendo la Florida


This is just the center module of it. To the left will go the Mainline, Drill Track and Service Facilities. To the right, the yard will run a few more feet, with another Ladder, Yard Lead and maybe more Service Facilities and Industries.

Big Yard

Here I am, starting the construction of a yard. I have no room for it yet (hopefully, I'm gonna have it some day) ....

This is like half of it though. Just the North end.